New Parent Support Home Visitor Program

The New Parent Support Home Visitor Program helps military parents, including expectant parents, transition successfully into parenthood and provides a nurturing environment for their children.

The program offers support and guidance to parent with children 4 years and younger. 

The New Parent Support Home Visitors are supportive and caring Licensed Master’s Level Social Workers or Registered Nurses (RNs).

They have extensive experience working with young children and are knowledgeable about your unique challenges as a military Family. The supports include but are not limited to:

  • Home Visits
  • Referrals to other Resources
  • Information & Education

Other ways the program can help you:

  • Prepare for parenthood
  • Become more confident as a parent
  • Understand the ages and stages of your child’s development
  • Develop common ground with your spouse or partner in the area of parenting
  • Improve relationships with your children
  • Create new friendships
  • Make parenting fun
  • Be a better parent to your children
  • Feel more at home in the military community
  • Meet the challenges associated with deployment and transition

This program is voluntary and free. Additionally, virtual and telehealth services are available during current COVID-19 conditions.